figure work
"alien painting human figure" (june 2023) 32x40 inch
"man crossing north america" (october 2023) 40x32 inch
"elementary school art teacher" (november 2023) 40x32 inch
"primitive man in contemporary world but alien" (december 2023) 40x32 inch
"primitive campfire" (march 2024) 40x32 inch
"a primitive family immigrating across north america" (march 2024) 40x32 inch
"my manic episode inside the psychiatric hospital" (april 2024) 40x32 inch
"self portrait as alien" (may 2024) 28x38 inch
"frida (rat terrier) and me crossing a border" (may 2024) 40x32 inch
"the manic walk into the american hospital" (july 2024) 40x42 inch
"self portrait in front of the Virgen de Guadalupe" (july 2024) 38 x 28 inch
"teotihuacan, mexico" (july 2024) 46x32 inch
"manic alien in foreign land" (october 2024) 38 x 46 inch
"a mexican-american painting" (november 2024) 40 x 44 inch
"vision in psych ward" (november 2024) 44 x 48 inch
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